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The primal nature of connectedness ensures it crosses all boundaries |
Wellness Over 40 is a blog that discusses how to maintain wellness past age 40 by focusing on health, culture, exercise, stress management, emotional sustenance, and good food.
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Digital Marketing Has Different Meaning to Different Sectors
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Humidity at Home Helps Reduce Viruses in Winter
Keeping your home humid helps reduce viruses that flourish in dry environments |
Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms Related to Dry Environments
Sometimes it's easy to forget that if you are experiencing more sore throats, colds, flu and allergy symptoms once the heat is on in your home, it's because the air is too dry. It has been said that many viruses actually flourish in dry environments.You can alleviate these effects by using a humidifier. According to the Effects of Dry Air on the Body, studies have shown that dry air has four main effects on the human body:
- Breathing dry is a potential health hazard which can cause such respiratory ailments as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, and nosebleeds, or general dehydration since body fluids are depleted during respiration.
- Skin moisture evaporation can cause skin irritations and eye itching.
- Irritative effects, such as static electricity which causes mild shocks when metal is touched, are common when the air moisture is low.
- The "apparent temperature" of the air is lower than what the thermometer indicates, and the body "feels" colder.
Maintain Wellness By Maintaining the Right Humidity in Your Home
Humidity is an important element in our wellness. Maintaining the right humidity in your home can prevent health problems. Last night I went to my local hardware store and bought two humidifiers for our home. It's hard to describe how much better I felt just breathing the air afterwards, and I noticed this morning that I'd had a better sleep too.
Read more about the negative effects on health caused by a lack of humidity.
Read more about the negative effects on health caused by a lack of humidity.
Friday, 4 October 2013
The Dangers of Visceral Fat
Is belly fat the same as visceral fat? |
Is It Belly Fat or Visceral Fat?
The dangers of visceral fat are becoming known, but what isn't always known is how to tell the difference between regular fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat, which is stored between the muscles and the skin, is regular fat. That's the fat that we can grab a hold of, say around the stomach or thighs. Here is a good comparison between the two fats:"In comparison to visceral cells, subcutaneous cells are greater in number. But the visceral cells are actually larger in size per cell. And they get to be so big that they atrophy themselves—at which point they constantly, 24/7, produce cytokines. Cytokines are a hormone with known inflammatory properties. "They promote atherosclerosis, tumor growth, aging, oxidation, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease."
Visceral Fat is Linked to a High-Fat Diet
Science suggests that visceral fat is linked to a high-fat diet. According to Dr. David Haslam of the National Obesity Forum, "'Visceral fat may seem to be an inert lump of lard, but it's actually highly active and constantly pumping poisons into the bloodstream.' Visceral fat is known to cause inflammation in the colon and the artery walls, and is a major cause of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Research even suggests that visceral fat affects mood by increasing production of the stress hormone, cortisol, and reducing levels of feel-good endorphins. So, along with killing you, visceral fat, it seems, can make you feel low."Sounds scary, doesn't it? So how can we keep our visceral fat low? By eating low-fat foods and doing regular, moderate exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Other things to be aware of are:
- portion size
- more fruits and vegetables
- more whole grains
- more lean protein
- less refined-grain pasta and breads
A few years ago I noticed that during my yearly medical checkup it became routine for my doctor to measure my waist with a seamstress tape. I wondered why she was always picking the part of my waist that stuck out the most. It turned out that to properly measure visceral fat, or the dangerous fats stored around the liver, you have to measure one inch above the belly button. I was surprised at where my measurement was in relation to the 35 inches considered normal for women.
So I've started taking regular exercise of between 30-60 minutes per day very seriously. If you are concerned with your level of visceral fat, it's not too difficult to do something to reduce it.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Classroom Discussion: Benefit or Detriment?
Taking the Discussion Outside the Classroom Keeps it Real
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Does mandatory classroom discussion dumb down lecture content for students? |
From research of the many over-40 classmates I've studied with during the past year, the consensus among boomers is that enforced discussion in college or university classrooms is dumbing down lecture content. At the typical college age, we were all "serious intellectuals" taking the discussion outside the classroom creatively and independently on our own, while receiving a full hour or 2-hour lecture from the prof as well. There wasn't a problem remembering the content. In most eras, students naturally discuss what they're learning in nightly gatherings outside the classroom, every era and place having its own hangouts. The dress and aspiration is also era-specific - perhaps young men in black leather bomber jackets and Lenin caps sit beside freedom-fighting women in earnest hippie dresses, all having written or with plans to write their novels or journal articles... or whatever. The main point is that outside the classroom no discussion occurs to get a better mark.
Institutionalized Discussion Curbs Creativity in Learning
What causes a professor to institute discussion with students during a lecture that I'm paying for to learn knowledge from him or her? Does a prof condone the conformity in holding particular opinions as well, that used to be free to roam in a cafe without any institutional shaping whatsoever? Where no opinion is shaped by a need for a mark or a grade or a reference, but each idea just feverishly fascinating to learn about for its own sake? Why can't students just discuss on their own without the guidance of a prof? And leave the lecture to being a distilled, creative expression of a senior expert's interpretations and ideas on the topic we're learning about that they reference and allude to?The Most Verbose Students Are Rewarded
At my own university course about a fascinating literary topic, I have decided to drop the course and continue studying the subject on my own. I dislike having to listen to other students for half of the lecture time at my university. It feels like a controlled, herded, prescribed group experience. Perhaps it is a conditioning for the conformity expected of everyone from the working world, where "collaboration" is now mandatory, which often means a quiet tyranny by the participants who like to talk the most. Preference isn't given to the proven participants who know the most or execute the best and most efficiently, but the ones who talk at and in the highest volumes.I have decided I value a real college or university lecture, and don't want it dumbed-down or cut in half, to make room for currently mandatory classroom discussion. Just as I seek quieter "doers" in my professional environments who walk the walk rather than just talk the talk.
Friday, 6 September 2013
Cure Flat-Footedness With Ballet Exercises
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It is possible to cure flat-footedness by building strength through ballet exercises |
High Arches, Low Arches, or Flat Feet?
Since I've been walking to work for over a month now, I am very aware of having flat feet. And although I studied ballet for 16 years many years ago, I never knew that ballet is actually recommended to fix flat-footedness. Ballet exercises and stretches the foot and ankle - and to some degree, strengthens the arch. This can lessen the pain in feet when walking long distances.Practicing Relevés Builds Foot Strength
Practicing relevés is the best way to build strength in feet. To perform a relevé, start with your weight evenly distributed between the balls of your feet and your heels. Slowly lift your heels and roll onto the balls of your feet, resisting the floor as though you are peeling each muscle away from the floor one by one. Then slowly lower your feet to the floor. Do this 10 times each day to build strength in your feet.The Peroneus Longus Muscle Needs to Be Strengthened to Cure Flat-Footedness
The peroneus longus is the muscle responsible for maintaining the foot arch. If this muscle hasn't been used, it has to be strengthened. It is best to use the whole body to condition it in a wholistic way. One simple thing to correct is to be aware of where your weight is when you stand. If it's on your heels, try to correct this by balancing your body weight more on the balls of your feet.
Other tips for strengthening feet are:
- toe running
- toe walking: walk without touching your heels to the ground
- spread out toes of both feet and hold for 15 seconds
- point your toes and hold for 10 seconds, then release - do 5 times each day on each foot
- roll your feet inwards to stretch the muscles on the outer sides of each foot
- go barefoot as much as possible
- try pointing your toes without curling them
Even for professional future dancers, it is possible to correct flat feet. Check out these young dancers discussing their flat-footedness. Yoga Tuneup has other interesting resources on correcting flat feet.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Back to School Resolutions
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Back to School Resolutions are the product of the mental reset button we feel each September |
Back to School Resolutions Are All About Going Forward
Forget New Years resolutions - Back to School resolutions are the ones I always make. They do not necessarily relate to being a parent either, since my son is almost finished university and doesn't need me buying his clothes or packing his lunches anymore. They are about my own return to school, my own wellness over 40, and my own improvement in achieving wellness goals and maximizing life in a new age zone.What are back to school resolutions, anyway? They are the product of the mental reset button we have from decades of closing the chapter of summer and embarking on a return to school. They are from our childhood excitement about starting a fresh new grade each September with a fresh new pencil case full of sharpened pencils and a new 3-ring binder with paper, dividers and a box of reinforcements on hand. (hmm, what I really mean here is a new laptop, cell phone, music and clothes...)
Being a Better Everything
I still get excited every September about starting something fresh! But now my resolutions are about passing to the next proverbial grade of life, not about passing from grade 7 to grade 8. I still think that my current resolutions are influenced by a mindset from three or four decades of deciding to be a "better everything" in order to have a good year - the year from September to June, that is.Here are 7 quick ideas to kick start your own career, financial, environmental, or wellness aspirations:
- Whether you're a new grad or facing a working retirement, pursue the next level of your career by upgrading your skills in a way that's relevant to the marketplace as well as your own personality
- If you really want to get to work feeling grounded and able to take charge of your own productivity, walk at least part of the way to work
- Buy fresh food and cook it
- Whether you have kids yet or not, think about them and their kids of the future - reduce your car usage and if possible get rid of your car and use transit
- Save money painlessly by managing your personal cash flow
- Consider chemical-free skin care products - it's hard to believe that many of us smoked cigarettes at our office computers in the 80s; well, in the future people will look back incredulously at the amount of chemicals we put on our face daily when there were other alternatives out there
- Try something out of character and take up dancing
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Health Benefits of Swimming
The health benefits of swimming include providing a good cardio workout and building core strength |
Swimming Results in Trimmer Hips and Waistlines
Whether you swim in an outdoor pool, lake or indoor pool, the health benefits of swimming cannot be overlooked. Swimming not only builds lean muscle and boosts metabolism, it also gives a killer cardio workout if you do the freestyle stroke.![]() |
Swimming makes us feel and look younger |
What I like about swimming is that it's a relaxing form of exercise and it's free.
It's hard to find an unhappy person at any outdoor swimming pool. There's something natural about using every muscle in your body while having a surreal weightlessness. It's one place that we can experience the sensation of floating.
Since swimming is good for every age group, it's also an activity that's multi-generational. It's not unusual to see retired people, business people, family people, children and babies all playing together in the middle of the city.
Swimming Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes and Stroke
Beyond the alleviation of stress and its relaxing effects, swimming has other hard-core health benefits:- reduces our risk of getting heart disease, diabetes or stroke
- prolongs life
- improves flexibility and coordination
- improves balance and posture
- low risk of bone, joint or muscle injury due to weightlessness in water
- low-impact
- builds lean muscle and boosts metabolism
- builds core strength
- results in trimmer waists and hips
- makes us feel and look younger
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Digital Media Defies Generational Boundaries
Learning Digital as a Tool of Communication
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A new dawn of digital media would happen when everyone can use it expressively |
Is Learning Digital an Advancement or Conformity?
Can digital marketing only be properly understood and managed by millennials because they been raised in a digital world? Just reading titles like this make we wonder whether learning digital is an advancement or has just become another way of being a conformist:- "The Disconnect Between Aging Management and the Younger Workforce"
- "New Digital Influencers: The Coming Youthquake"
- "Meet Generation C: The Connected Customers"
Managing Digital and Social Not a Competition Between Generations
Being connected and getting involved in social media doesn't have to be defined by age. Some studies indicate that it seems to be defined more by income and education than by generation. In a study published in the May issue of Poetics, a Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts, sociologist Jen Schradie found that "college graduates are 1.5 times more likely to be bloggers than are high school graduates; twice as likely to post photos and videos and three times more likely to post an online rating or comments." The digital divide isn't about millennials and boomers; it's more about the haves and have-nots.Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Reduce Car Usage to Increase Wellness
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Reducing car usage improves air quality and slows global warming |
Reducing Car Usage Helpful for Wellness
Most of us are aware that wellness is linked to our car usage. A 2013 report from Toronto's Medical Officer of Health about the impact of transportation on health and the environment has urged this city to generate funds without delay for the proposed expansion of transportation infrastructure. Many people in the Greater Toronto Area cannot give up their cars because they have no other means of getting where they need to go throughout the normal course of their day. One wonders how the major city within the GTA region of 6 million people can still have only two subway lines to get suburbanites to the city core.
The study reports that "traffic-related pollution caused about 440 premature deaths and 1,700 hospitalizations each year in Toronto. Mortality related costs associated with traffic pollution in Toronto were estimated at $2.2 billion each year. A 30% reduction in motor vehicle emissions in Toronto that could be achieved through various measures that reduce reliance on the private automobile could prevent about 200 premature deaths and result in 900 million dollars in health benefits annually." It goes on to say that "Physical activity associated with walking, cycling and taking transit reduces deaths related to chronic diseases and the risk of illnesses such as strokes, heart attacks, obesity, and diabetes, which are among the top ten causes of death in Toronto."
In a recent commentary in the Globe and Mail, Doug Saunders stated that "it is becoming increasingly apparent that the growing frequency and intensity of windstorms, floods, hurricanes and extremes of heat and cold is a consequence of higher levels of weather-system volatility related to a warming trend caused in part by human-generated carbon emissions." He also urged that pretending to fix the weather won't remove our responsibility to deal with the problem at its root.
Look to Ourselves For Transportation & Environmental Health Initiatives
Although we are not accustomed to having to put limits on ourselves in order to make a better world, we can each do our part in modifying our lifestyle to reduce carbon emissions, as well as consume less energy. Environment Canada reports that 24% of our greenhouse gas emissions are from the transportation sector. Without changes from us, the health and wellness of our families will be comprised tomorrow. We won't be here when ocean levels could rise to the point where our own coastal cities are destroyed, or our children's grandchildren lose family members to weather disasters or the health effects of fracking and other techniques that provide our energy.
Tough Environmental Issues Need to be Tackled
Carbon, air quality, water, waste, land use, and biodiversity are discussed in a report card on the state of health across the Greater Toronto Area. The report card states that with high growth rates expected to continue, congestion and air pollution will get worse unless we plan for higher density living and strong, well-funded regional transportation systems. The GTA grew by over 477,000 people between 2006 and 2011 (Census Canada), mainly in low-density suburban areas.
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The GTA is behind New York, Stockholm, the City of Toronto, Melbourne and Sydney in its dependence on cars. |
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
The Nourishing Nature of Manitoulin Island
Being in Nature is Good For Wellness
Getting away from it all and spending a few days in the wilderness has a nourishing, regenerative quality to it. Whether you sleep under the stars or in a tent, there is nothing quite like the inherent communion with nature that happens when you go camping.![]() |
Manitoulin Island is just a 3 hr drive north of Toronto including a ferry ride (with cars on it) |
Swimming in Lakes
During the last 20 years or so of camping, our family has spent days reveling in the incredibly white sands of Grand Beach, marvelled at the cleanliness of the northern shores of Lake Ontario at Sandbanks, felt the silky waves against our skin in Muskoka, and gazed in wonder at how far down you can see in the crystal clear water at Manitoulin Island.Manitoulin's Untouched Quality Recalls a Time Gone By
Manitoulin Island has everything transported to it by boat, so there's a retro feel of going back in time when you experience its untouched quality. The icecream is home-made. Everything is a little slower there. The buildings quaintly recall a time gone by. And the combination of Northern Lights and lush sunsets are out of this world. It's hard to believe that clear skies like this occur just 3 hours away from the third largest city in North America.![]() |
Inner Peace From Being in Nature
There's something healing about cooking over an open fire, eating outside, swimming or hiking all day, or just relaxing for hours and watching the star-filled skies at night. I admit, my back always hurts in the morning after sleeping on a thin mattress in a tent, but it's worth the sense of peace with oneself that comes with giving up all of the creature comforts of the city.Friday, 26 July 2013
Cold Summer Borshch
Cool Down With Vegetarian Borshch on a Hot Summer Day
4-5 beets
2 carrots
2 celery stalks
1 potato
1 onion
1 can brown beans
sour cream
Chop up and cook beets, carrots, celery, potato, dill and onion in a large saucepan full of water. Add brown beans and simmer for 1-2 hours. Cool overnight in fridge. Blend mixture in a blender (optional). Add sour cream (or plain yogurt). Dress with more chopped dill and serve.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Toronto Salsa Festival on St. Clair Brings Out the Dancer in Everyone
Dancing on the Street is Good For the Soul
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Toronto Salsa Festival on St. Clair Avenue July 14, 2013 |
Age No Barrier in Street Dancing
Looking at today’s turn-out of urbanites happily stepping up their Salsa moves with partners, people of all ages sweating it out in 32° street heat with joyful abandon, there are many, many men and women who are doing salsa and loving it. They are young, old, from every corner of the world, mixed ethnicities, good dancers and bad dancers all strutting their stuff on the Toronto summer streets.
Anyone at all can turn their romantic sides on and try to move to
salsa music. Yesterday and today St. Clair Avenue, the
street in my neighborhood where I buy my groceries in Toronto, was turned into
a Salsa Festival, and the music transformed our hood into a South American
paradise. It was soul-healing and uplifting to watch the whole city click up
its heels to such joyful music.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Red Hot Black Bean Casserole
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Red Hot Black Bean Casserole |
Preparing the black bean casserole |
Easy Black Bean Casserole
2 cans black beans
1 can tomatoes,
3 cloves garlic,
3 stalks celery
1/2 cup red pepper
1 onion
1 tbsp olive oil
1 c. cheddar cheese
hot paprika
cayenne pepper
1 can tomatoes,
3 cloves garlic,
3 stalks celery
1/2 cup red pepper
1 onion
1 tbsp olive oil
1 c. cheddar cheese
hot paprika
cayenne pepper
Cook the celery, onion, red pepper and garlic in a frying pan in the olive oil. Add the black beans, hot paprika and cayenne pepper and let simmer. Squeeze the water out of the tomatoes and layer the tomatoes and black bean mixture, topping it with the cheddar cheese. Cover and cook at 350° for 45 minutes. Serve.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
College After Age 40 is Good For Wellness
Am I Too Old For University or College?
Students who go back to college after age 25 often worry
about not fitting in or being “too old”, but what about going to college after
age 40? I was surprised to find how many positive and inspiring stories there are about people who get a college or
university degree after age 40 or 50. Among these stories is one about a student
who started her BA in International Studies at age 55, maintained a 4.0 GPA, was
on the Dean’s list, and received a national scholarship after years of being
excluded from jobs because she had no degree.
A huge part of studying over age 40 is learning how to recover from failure and make mental adjustments to one’s approach. I had always felt that university only rewards people who follow the rules. I preferred to learn by “doing” (than by studying), and I found that this was the largest hurdle to overcome. In the 1970s I had left my second year university Russian language and literature studies to learn the language first-hand by travelling to the Soviet Union and then living there for an extended period of time. I believed that learning a language by immersing oneself in a foreign culture was much more interesting than sitting in a classroom and learning the grammar. But it turned out that this approach was not beneficial when it came to getting a good job.

Overcoming Failures is a Positive Benefit of Going Back to School
My first return to academia in 2005 was in an
evening French course at the University of Toronto that I dropped after
dismally failing the first test. Time to regroup, I thought. So I re-enrolled
in a Canadian Short Story course taught by Professor
Sarah Caskey, was very inspired by her encouragement, and did well in the
course. Successful courses in
European history and Russian language followed. Now I’m on a dual track at
university, chipping away at my BA completion through evening literature
courses at University of Toronto and pursuing a Digital Marketing Management Certificate in evenings through
University of Toronto Continuing Studies.
Cookie-Cutter Approach to Education Doesn't Always Produce the Best Leaders
I still maintain that following a cookie-cutter approach to education will guarantee you a safe life and not necessarily encourage you to become a progressive, fair-minded leader who empowers others. Some of the other hidden benefits to returning to university or college over age 40 are:- The hopefulness and positive energy of students with their whole careers ahead of them is contageous
- What you are learning is valuable for your own well-being and knowledge as well as for improving your job prospects
- You stay current by getting in tune with a younger mindset
- You avoid the pitfalls of just putting in time at a job to pay the bills
- If you have a bad day at work, you can switch your focus to your studies and new career prospects
- Your frame of mind leans towards concepts and ideas, keeping you intellectually stimulated
- You become more open to different ways of doing things as your circle becomes broadened by people outside your usual sphere
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Fresh Home-grown Basil Tops Home-made Wheatless Pizza
Home-grown basil grows beside tomatoes and petunias in thriving urban garden |
Home-grown herbs and vegetables in your balcony garden
My fresh basil plant grew indoors for awhile, until I could tell it was time to put it outside. So I created a combined herb and vegetable garden in one of my long balcony planters this year, planting basil beside a tomato plant, and even planting a hanging petunia plant beside them for color. Everything grew together comfortably and each species seemed to thrive without killing off any of the other. A truly model ethos for an urban garden!Home-made gluten-free pizza with fresh red pepper, cheese, and fresh herbs
Home-made gluten-free pizza made with brown rice flour |
Afterwards, flatten each into greased pizza pans, and cook just the pizza dough for 5 to 7 minutes. Then bring it out of the oven, spread tomato spread for pizza on the dough, cut red peppers, cheese, fresh sage and basil, and put on top. Bake the pizza for another 20 minutes. Makes two 12-inch pizzas.
The Importance of Mental and Emotional Balance
Emotional and Mental Strength Needed to Handle the Death of People Close to You
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Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking discusses cognitive loss after trauma |
had the mental acuity to reflect so deeply on the loss of her husband, or whether to feel sorry for her for being so emotionally dependent on one person during her whole life. Didion is a New Yorker Magazine essayist who documented the various levels of pain and loss she experienced after the death of her husband.
One of the themes of the book is the cognitive effects of experiencing a trauma such as the death of a loved one. Didion states that the brain simply stops functioning for a fairly long period of time while you heal from the emotional loss. Another thing she points out in the book is how death-averse we are as a culture, and that current social norms do not condone mourning - essential as it is to overcome a close person's death. Learning to cope with the repercussions of death is something that everyone over 40 experiences sooner or later, and the greater mental & emotional balance we have in our lives, the better we will be equipped to handle it.
Friday, 28 June 2013
Chemical-Free Skincare Enhances Wellness
Imagine knowing that everything that you wash with and put onto your body was chemical-free! Recently while searching for affordable soaps, shampoos and skin moisturizers that don't have harmful chemicals in them, I found that they were neither plentiful, affordable, nor easy to get. Some health food stores carry products that are advertised as chemical-free and healthy, but when I looked up their ingredients at the Skin Deep Cosmetic Database, they were rated as harmful in many cases.
Many chemical-free products are advertised online, but most of the ones I found that were rated as safe at Skin Deep were made in limited quantities by small operations in the United States that did not deliver outside of the U.S.A. Since I live in Canada, I decided to search for Canadian-made chemical-free skincare products. And I found Consonant Body Organic Skincare, a manufacturer of 100% natural products that have "no parabens, no sulfates, no petroleum ingredients, and certainly no phthalates." The way I found Consonant was by walking down Yonge Street in Toronto one day and seeing a sign that stuck in my mind for days. It said:
I thought the price was good, and I have been using it daily for 3 months now.
Compared to Mary Cohr and Yonka products that I recently reviewed and also use daily, this chemical-free skincare product is much more affordable - as well as being organic.
Many chemical-free products are advertised online, but most of the ones I found that were rated as safe at Skin Deep were made in limited quantities by small operations in the United States that did not deliver outside of the U.S.A. Since I live in Canada, I decided to search for Canadian-made chemical-free skincare products. And I found Consonant Body Organic Skincare, a manufacturer of 100% natural products that have "no parabens, no sulfates, no petroleum ingredients, and certainly no phthalates." The way I found Consonant was by walking down Yonge Street in Toronto one day and seeing a sign that stuck in my mind for days. It said:
What Goes On Your Body Goes In Your Body
Chemical-free skin care products at Consonant Body Organic Skincare |
A few days later, I went into Consonant's store to investigate the prices. I met Kristina, who did a wonderful job of explaining the features and benefits of their product line, and gave me some samples. I was surprised to find how affordable their skin care products were.
A chemical-free skin care product for eyes
Ultra Firming Organic Eye Cream from Consonant Body Organic Skincare |
Eventually I purchased
an Ultra Moisturizing Organic Eye Creme product for $35 CAD.I thought the price was good, and I have been using it daily for 3 months now.
Compared to Mary Cohr and Yonka products that I recently reviewed and also use daily, this chemical-free skincare product is much more affordable - as well as being organic.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
The Best Dill Pickes
Health Benefits of Cucumbers
Cucumbers are a fantastic source of hydration in the summer months. According to Natural News, they are good for the skin, for your hair, for fighting cancer, for fighting bad breath, for curing a hangover, aiding in weight loss, and curing diabetes. Whether this is all true or not, they make great pickles.Baba's Garlic and Dill Pickles
For 1 quart of dill pickles (these are "quick-eating" pickles)
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon brown sugar
4-5 cups of cold tap water
garlic and dill...
Cut garlic and dill and stuff into jars. Put as many cucumbers into jars as possible. Fill with salt brine and cover all cucumbers. Let sit for 4-5 days until "fermentation" has changed the color of pickles. Refrigerate jars.
How to Avoid Preservatives in Food and Products
Preservatives can be avoided by reading labels, researching online, and finding suppliers who sell food and products without them.
BHA in Food
If you eat potato chips, lard, butter, cereal, instant
mashed potatoes, preserved meat, beer, baked goods, dry beverage and dessert
mixes, chewing gum and many other foods, you are eating butylated
hydroxyanisole (BHA) - a preservative that prevents food from going rotten. The latest environmental research reports that "the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies BHA as a possible human carcinogen, and the European Commission on Endocrine Disruption has listed BHA as a Category 1 priority substance, based on evidence that it interferes with hormone function."
You can avoid BHA by buying fresh food, cooking and baking yourself, and even making your own beer.
You can avoid BHA by buying fresh food, cooking and baking yourself, and even making your own beer.
BHA in Skin Products
BHA is also in skin products, and is often recommended for
aging skin since it has many of the same effects that estrogen does. On Skin Deep, a cosmetic database, BHA is
rated "highly hazardous" (9-10 out of 10).
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Avoid BHA by reading labels |
Monday, 24 June 2013
Wellness and Wheat
Anyone concerned with wellness is now concerned with wheat
There are many ways that wheat affects wellness - from weight gain, to raised blood sugar and many other adverse health effects including heart disease.
One-third of my family are celiac, or disturbed by eating gluten, or allergic to wheat - that's 6 out of a group of 18 counting my mother, my three sisters, my two brothers, and our combined 11 children.
But none of us were remotely affected by wheat over thirty years ago when we used to gather at family celebrations and eat a wheat-based delicacy called "kutia". Most of our family's symptoms have since included stomach problems and breathing problems (kind of like hay fever).
Ways that wheat affect wellness are:
- increased appetite
- formation of small LDL particles, which combined with increased appetite, creates belly fat
- belly fat causes inflammation, higher blood sugar/higher blood pressure = risk of heart disease
- mood swings
- depression
- joint pain and swelling
- acid reflux
- irritated bowel
- peripheral neuropathy (numbness in hands and legs)
Eating fresh food, or real food that has not been processed in any way, is the best way to stay healthy. But for those days when I feel like making dough, I have a good supply of brown rice flour and soy flour. Home-made pizza was a hit at our house when I made this gluten-free home-made pizza.
Buy Fresh Food and Fast Track to Wellness
Buying fresh food and cooking it will put you onto a fast track to wellness. Buying fresh can be a little more expensive than buying canned or frozen foods, but with a little comparison shopping you can keep your costs down, and it's worth it. Not only do you eliminate many preservatives and chemicals from your diet, it tastes better and you get more protein for your buck.
I also come from a family of fantastic cooks who all cook real food and buy fresh.
In the past year my mother has sent me three wonderful books on diet, Wheat Belly Cookbook, Moosewood Restaurant, and Moosewood Restaurants Cooks at Home. I don't know if other families are like this, but may of my family's emails, phone conversations and visits have some discussion of great recipes in them.
And it has paid off - at 89 my mother looks about 70, is extremely sharp, has the energy of a 50-year old, and is a great role model for Wellness Over 40.
On the other side of the family, my Ukrainian grandmother was another great role model and lived into her mid-90s.
Not only did she buy fresh and cook real food, she grew most of it herself in her legendary garden.
When our family celebrated Ukrainian Christmas Eve on January 6 each year, all of the 12 meatless dishes were home-cooked by my grandmother.
Back in the 70s when this picture was taken, no-one in the family had wheat allergies yet. Was wheat different back then?
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My 89-year old mother is an inspiring role model for wellness |
In the past year my mother has sent me three wonderful books on diet, Wheat Belly Cookbook, Moosewood Restaurant, and Moosewood Restaurants Cooks at Home. I don't know if other families are like this, but may of my family's emails, phone conversations and visits have some discussion of great recipes in them.
And it has paid off - at 89 my mother looks about 70, is extremely sharp, has the energy of a 50-year old, and is a great role model for Wellness Over 40.
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Back in the 1970s no-one in our family was allergic to wheat |
Not only did she buy fresh and cook real food, she grew most of it herself in her legendary garden.
When our family celebrated Ukrainian Christmas Eve on January 6 each year, all of the 12 meatless dishes were home-cooked by my grandmother.
Back in the 70s when this picture was taken, no-one in the family had wheat allergies yet. Was wheat different back then?
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Education About Food & Nutrition Increases Wellness
Many people I see in underground fast food malls at lunch in the financial center of Toronto are eating sushi, chicken salads with grains, or healthy full-course dinners with a salad. I noticed this as early as the 80s (except for the sushi) while enjoying my favorite hamburgers and cheese danishes at lunch each day. But over the decades, I became better educated about food. Other boomer friends seemed to know that 'we are what we eat', intrinsically, but I did not. I never ate healthy, and I rarely cooked.
I simply chose unhealthy food once I was on my own because it tasted so good - and it was cheap. For many years it didn't seem to register with me that what I ate had an effect on everything else in my life and how I felt about it.
Later, it wasn't Jamie Kennedy or any other celebrity who finally got me on the track to healthy eating. It was an allergy clinic! After years of suffering from allergies as a teen, my son was treated at The Allergy Clinic in 2006 when they looked at his diet rather than give him allergy injections. Our family went through intense nutritional counselling as a result and I now don't touch bread or wheat. My recommended diet now consists of 4-day rotations of chicken, shellfish, meat or legume, fish. With these 4 dinners go the following grains & vegetables: brown rice, buckwheat, sweet potato, quinoa. Then all kinds of vegetables and fruits are added like spinach, collard greens, romaine lettuce, lemons, apples, pears, bananas, blueberries, carrots, parsnips, etc. My son's allergies were corrected after 2 years on this diet.
I realized that there are a lot of resources about nutrition out there. Some of the ones I rely on are:
I simply chose unhealthy food once I was on my own because it tasted so good - and it was cheap. For many years it didn't seem to register with me that what I ate had an effect on everything else in my life and how I felt about it.
Later, it wasn't Jamie Kennedy or any other celebrity who finally got me on the track to healthy eating. It was an allergy clinic! After years of suffering from allergies as a teen, my son was treated at The Allergy Clinic in 2006 when they looked at his diet rather than give him allergy injections. Our family went through intense nutritional counselling as a result and I now don't touch bread or wheat. My recommended diet now consists of 4-day rotations of chicken, shellfish, meat or legume, fish. With these 4 dinners go the following grains & vegetables: brown rice, buckwheat, sweet potato, quinoa. Then all kinds of vegetables and fruits are added like spinach, collard greens, romaine lettuce, lemons, apples, pears, bananas, blueberries, carrots, parsnips, etc. My son's allergies were corrected after 2 years on this diet.
I realized that there are a lot of resources about nutrition out there. Some of the ones I rely on are:
Saturday, 22 June 2013
How To Maintain Wellness Over 40
As a boomer, I am healthier now than I was at any point between age 17 (when I left home to attend university) and my mid-40's. When I recently summed up the reasons why, I realized that they all revolved around diet, exercise, stress management, yoga/meditation/therapeutic massage, mental stimulation, emotional connectedness/satisfaction, and finances. In fact, I would even put them in that order. And here's why:
- What we eat seems to dictate how well we feel and how well we handle things - never mind all of the other associations connected to diet.
- Exercise also has equal weight to food when it comes to being well - and this seems to increase with age.
- Stress, or over-stress, is a wellness-killer. It eats up all of the mileage we get from eating well and exercising, so it has to be managed and kept in check.
- Yoga, meditation, massage, dance, tai chi, and other forms of spiritual physicality are all tools to connect the mind and body and they all increase wellness.
- Mental stimulation is not talked about much, but it's pretty well "use it or lose it" (use it and be well, or lose it and don't). Mental stimulation is more important for wellness than we think.
- Emotional connectedness and satisfaction with oneself and others doesn't keep us well without the other 6 factors, but it plays a key role in keeping us well-balanced.
- Finances are talked about a lot in this part of the world as an elixer to all troubles, but you can be a wealthy, top performing, emotionally connected individual who is positively challenged by your job and interests, but if you don't take time to unwind, exercise, keep your stress in check and eat right, these unattended elements will catch up with you. That's not to say finances aren't important, they are. But over age 40 the other key points start to matter just as much when it comes to wellness.
Stay tuned to Wellness Over 40 - we'll be discussing each of the 7 elements from the personal point of view of someone who found meaning and value in all of them. We will be telling stories of fantastic people and resources for achieving and keeping your own wellness, your own way.
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