Friday 6 September 2013

Cure Flat-Footedness With Ballet Exercises

It is possible to cure flat-footedness by building strength through ballet exercises

High Arches, Low Arches, or Flat Feet?

Since I've been walking to work for over a month now, I am very aware of having flat feet. And although I studied ballet for 16 years many years ago, I never knew that ballet is actually recommended to fix flat-footedness. Ballet exercises and stretches the foot and ankle - and to some degree, strengthens the arch. This can lessen the pain in feet when walking long distances.

Practicing Relevés Builds Foot Strength

Practicing relevés is the best way to build strength in feet. To perform a relevé, start with your weight evenly distributed between the balls of your feet and your heels. Slowly lift your heels and roll onto the balls of your feet, resisting the floor as though you are peeling each muscle away from the floor one by one. Then slowly lower your feet to the floor. Do this 10 times each day to build strength in your feet.

The Peroneus Longus Muscle Needs to Be Strengthened to Cure Flat-Footedness

The peroneus longus is the muscle responsible for maintaining the foot arch. If this muscle hasn't been used, it has to be strengthened. It is best to use the whole body to condition it in a wholistic way. One simple thing to correct is to be aware of where your weight is when you stand. If it's on your heels, try to correct this by balancing your body weight more on the balls of your feet.

Other tips for strengthening feet are:

  • toe running
  • toe walking: walk without touching your heels to the ground
  • spread out toes of both feet and hold for 15 seconds
  • point your toes and hold for 10 seconds, then release - do 5 times each day on each foot
  • roll your feet inwards to stretch the muscles on the outer sides of each foot
  • go barefoot as much as possible
  • try pointing your toes without curling them

Even for professional future dancers, it is possible to correct flat feet. Check out these young dancers discussing their flat-footedness. Yoga Tuneup has other interesting resources on correcting flat feet.

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